“Steven’s design and creative solutions solved my many concerns and exceeded my every expectation. My studio sounds and looks incredible.” – Robert Etoll, Owner (Q-Factory Music by Robert Etoll)
Steven Klein

Hello, I appreciate the chance to introduce myself and thank you for your interest in our products and services. I have been involved in music and recording from elementary school music studies to audiophile sales, installation in my teens, applied music studies at the University of Miami, and recording engineer and producer. Also interested in building and remodeling, I bought my first house at the age of 19 years. With the experience I gained from buying and selling houses, I built my home from the ground up at age 24. During my 12 years with Criteria Studios, 1971 – 1983, I became the senior staff engineer and was involved in designing, building, and remodeling our six studios.

In 1997, after years of building and involvement with audio rooms, I pursued a niche in the marketplace. Created partly out of my frustration with obtaining products and advice, Sound Control Room was born. “Noise control” vendors were not sensitive enough about sound quality, and the few in “studio services” would only advise on buying their products. I became inspired to create an “acoustics product mall” and offer professional advice that was independent of a particular brand. We sell products and services, and because of this, we can offer an individual choice that no other company has. We stay focused on the audio professional and architectural acoustics.
Our standards are high; we represent the best manufacturers in the marketplace and manufacture our custom acoustic products. We evolved from product improvements and voids in the market; our branded products represent unique value and quality.
Take a look and let us know how we can help.
Best Regards,
Steven Klein

Discography (Please click the link below):
Experienced in video formats ATMOS and THX®.
Licensed General Building Contractor
Licensed Finish Carpentry Contractor
CA Lic. #515303, B-1, C-6, issued 1987